
2023 DBI2 retreat

2023 DBI2 retreat
Type Retreat
Organizor DBI2
Open to DBI2 members
Date September 26 - September 27, 2024
Day 1 September 26, 8:30-17:00
Day 2 September 27, 8:30-17:00
Location Fletcher Hotel Holthurnsche Hof
Zevenheuvelenweg 48a
6571 CK Berg en Dal

DBI2’s very first yearly retreat meeting will be held on 26th-27th September. There we will review the program’s achievements so far and, set the course of future activities through cross-work group discussion. 

DBI2’s very first yearly retreat meeting will be held on 26th-27th September 2023. There we will review the program’s achievements so far and, set the course of future activities through cross-work group discussion.

The yearly retreat program can be found here: Download the 2023 DBI2 yearly retreat program (only accessible for authorised people)

For more information, please send email to Sookyung Shin:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Contact details

Radboud University
DBI2 Office
Heyendaalseweg 135
6525 AJ Nijmegen


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