
All vacancies are being redirected to the institute which offers the position. DBI2 does not hire poeple directly. The people who work for DBI2 are hired by one of the institutes.


Postdoc Understanding Multimodal Interaction With Neural Tissue

Deadline March 30th, 2025
Location Delft
Employer Delft University of Technology

We are seeking a Postdoctoral Researcher in Neural Interfaces: Ultrasound Neuromodulation of Peripheral Nerves. The position is hosted by TU Delft, Department of Microelectronics. This full-time position is funded for 2.5-3 years (contract duration to be confirmed with candidate and project timelines at the interview stage) with a start date as soon as possible, no later than June 2025.  You will be involved in pioneering the development of neural cuffs integrated with ultrasound transducers, working towards precise and steerable neuromodulation of the peripheral nervous system. Our research has progressed from initial prototype development to current in vitro and ex vivo validation studies.

For more information, please visit the TU Delft's website: Link to the vacancy page

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Radboud University
DBI2 Office
Heyendaalseweg 135
6525 AJ Nijmegen


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