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Postdoctoral Researcher in Rodent Social Neuroscience

Deadline 31 December 2024
Location Amsterdam
Employer The Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience

We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher in social rodent neuroscience with a focus on understanding the social and brain dynamics of multiple individuals. This position is affiliated with the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience (NIN). 

Both humans and rodents live in complex environments that include the necessity to interact with other conspecifics. To better understand how the brain responds to this level of complexity, neuroscience is moving from analysing brain and behavioural responses of single individuals to the simultaneous recording of brain, behaviour and physiological responses from two interacting individuals. In this postdoctoral position, you would have the opportunity to work with leaders in the field to pioneer analytical approaches that unravel how information flows within and between rodent brains, and how it is integrated over time to determine adaptive social behaviour. This effort will leverage the unique competence and technological might of the Dutch Brain Interface Initiative consortium.

For more information, please visit the NIN's website: Link to the vacancy page

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Radboud University
DBI2 Office
Heyendaalseweg 135
6525 AJ Nijmegen


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