Collaboration with ESDiT
- News type: DBI2 update

In July 2023, we had a fruitful discussion with researchers from Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies (ESDiT). ESDiT is a NWO’s Gravitation program. It aims to develop a comprehensive philosophical understanding of the socially disruptive technologies (SDTs) of the 21st century. DBI2’s new brain-machine interface technologies directly touch upon the Human conditions research line of ESDiT. During our meeting, we have identified ample materials for collaboration.
We are planning to organize seminars this year on Embodied perception and the Concept of restoring function together with them.
Furthermore, we are very honored to have Prof. Dr. Joel Anderson (Universiteit Utrecht) as our new member of the Scientific Advisory Board. He will provide the DBI2 consortium with an ethical insight into the objectives of the scientific breakthrough we are trying to deliver.
For more information about the ESDiT program, please visit their website: