Scientific Publications

DBI2 publications

Toekomst van het lichaam | Worden we cyborgs zijn we het al?

Type Book
Year 2023
Author Fleur Zeldenrust
ISBN 978 94 9139 729 5
Link to publication Direct link to the publication

Toekomst van het lichaam (Future of the body)
Deel 2 Literatuurstudie (Part 2 Literature review)
Title: Worden we cyborgs zijn we het al? (Are we becoming cyborgs already?)
Author: Dr. Fleur Zeldenrust

Publication introduction

Have we become cyborgs in 2053? Are we all unique, or are we increasingly the same? Are we getting much older than we are now? What do we find desirable? Good understanding of the body and current technological developments helps to answer these questions. The Future of the Body helps you imagine a desirable future in a way you have never done before.

In the first part, possible futures are outlined in words and images. Entries from a specially set up design competition take you into different scenarios. The second part functions as a reference work, in which the most important concepts from the scenarios are explored in depth. Here the themes of enhancement, identity and aging are related to the physical, mental and social aspects of the body.

Dr. Fleur Zeldenrust
ISBN 978 94 9139 729 5


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DBI2 Office
Heyendaalseweg 135
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